Problem .
Given a set of 32000
headlines and their labels, whether that headline is a clickbait (label 1
) or
not (label 0
), you’re asked to build a model to detect clickbait headlines.
Solution .
Read data:
df = pd . read_csv ( "" )
df . tail ( 2 )
df . head ( 2 )
Split into train/validation/test sets:
text_train_val , text_test , label_train_val , label_test = train_test_split (
df [ "headline" ],
df [ "clickbait" ],
test_size = 0.25 ,
stratify = df [ "clickbait" ],
random_state = 9 )
# Split the train_val dataset to train and validation separete portions.
text_train , text_val , label_train , label_val = train_test_split (
text_train_val ,
label_train_val ,
test_size = 0.2 ,
random_state = 9 )
Define a function that builds a pipeline line consisting of CountVectorizer
(note that you can combine these two and use TfidfVectorizer
and LogisticRegression
stages so that you can pass different parameters to it
for tuning:
def train_measure_model ( text_train , label_train , text_val , label_val ,
cv_binary , cv_analyzer , cv_ngram , cv_max_features ,
cv_have_tfidf , cv_use_idf , cfr_penalty , cfr_C , stop_words = None ,
text_column_name = "headline" ):
cv = CountVectorizer ( binary = cv_binary , stop_words = stop_words ,
analyzer = cv_analyzer ,
ngram_range = cv_ngram [ 1 : 3 ],
max_features = cv_max_features )
if cv_have_tfidf:
pipeline = Pipeline ( steps = [( "vectorizer" , cv ),
( "tfidf" , TfidfTransformer ( use_idf = cv_use_idf )),
( "classifier" , LogisticRegression ( penalty = cfr_penalty ,
C = cfr_C ,
random_state = 9 ,
max_iter = 100 ,
n_jobs = None ))])
pipeline = Pipeline ( steps = [( "vectorizer" , cv ),
( "classifier" , LogisticRegression ( penalty = cfr_penalty ,
C = cfr_C ,
random_state = 9 ,
max_iter = 100 ,
n_jobs = None ))])
pipeline . fit ( text_train , label_train )
print_metrics ( pipeline , text_train , label_train , text_val , label_val )
return pipeline
where the evaluation section is refactored into print_metrics
def print_metrics ( pipeline , text_train , label_train , text_val , label_val ):
train_preds = pipeline . predict ( text_train )
val_preds = pipeline . predict ( text_val )
print ( "train:" )
print ( metrics . classification_report ( label_train , train_preds , labels = [ 0 , 1 ], digits = 4 ))
print ( metrics . confusion_matrix ( label_train , train_preds ))
print ( "validation:" )
print ( metrics . classification_report ( label_val , val_preds , labels = [ 0 , 1 ], digits = 4 ))
print ( metrics . confusion_matrix ( label_val , val_preds ))
Now, we run the function with a few different parameters (we tried 4 sets) to reach the
trained model below:
cfr_pipeline = train_measure_model ( text_train , label_train , text_val , label_val ,
cv_binary = True , cv_analyzer = "word" , cv_ngram = ( "w" , 1 , 3 ),
cv_max_features = 5000 , cv_have_tfidf = True , cv_use_idf = True ,
cfr_penalty = "l2" , cfr_C = 1.0 , stop_words = None )
which can be tested against test set:
measure_model_on_test ( cfr_pipeline , text_test , label_test )
Please see the next post Detecting Clickbaits (4/4) - Manual Boosting for
further improvement of this model.
Important Points .
The training time: 1.3s
per cycle (on my laptop), and since I did 4 cycles to search for parameters
it took 1 minutes overall.
Macro precision on test set: 0.9650
Inference time per record: ~1ms
on my laptop (MacBook Pro: 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4)
Note .
The complete code for this post can be found at GitHub
that this one solution, please refer to the next posts for other
possible solutions!
The dataset was originally taken from Kaggle .